2014 reading objectives

In addition to continuing to support and promote the work of Australian authors through my Aussie Author Challenge, my other reading objectives for 2014 are:

Travel in my reading

Much of my knowledge of history and other cultures comes from my leisure reading, and I want to continue to expand my horizons. To help keep me focused on this goal I am going to participate in the Global Reading Challenge 2014 hosted by Kerrie and January in Japan hosted by Tony. I’ll be watching out for German Literature Month later in 2014 also.

global reading challenge 2014_2   January in Japan

Support those that support emerging talent

I will continue to support small independent publishers – there is so much talent out there, and if not for those taking risks, much of it would not see the light of day.

Try something new

Many years ago the idea of listening to an audiobook would not have appealed to me in the slightest, but as it turns out audiobooks have transformed my daily drive in peak hour traffic, more often that not, into something to be enjoyed rather than loathed. Proof if there ever was that it pays to try new things, at least once, which we assume may not be for us.

In that vein, the next frontier for me is ‘the graphic novel’. Although I appreciate the arts, the comic format (or at least the limited amount I have been exposed to) has not engaged me to date. In 2014 I will read at least one graphic novel.

Back to basics

I am instinctively drawn to the unusual, quirky or artistic, and so literary titles often win my attention. But, there can be too much of a good thing. I have noticed that the more contemporary romance and mystery titles have been somewhat crowded out of my scarce reading time this year so I want to redress that imbalance in 2014.

Do you have any specific reading objectives for 2014?